It is associated with Charles Manson types. Knowflake. Copyright [the-year] [site-link] | This website is intended for entertainment purposes only. I havent been abused. You are not alone there. 21. stellium in 1st. Its the same as tropical astrology but the signs are pushed back 23 degrees and it deals with the constellations in the sky. So Im just saying in the previous comment that I think this article is biased. These people are unable to look down to see their feet, and when under stress, are unable to bend the neck forward or in any direction. 14 The male-female differences driven to the extreme: Venus is in the Fall in Scorpio. Personality Traits Pluto in the 8th House, Eclipses, New, Full Moons North & South Nodes Accurately Predict the Future. The answer to that question all like it is for every person to find Jesus. xx. Mercury Sextile Lilith 239 62 Uranus Biquintile mc One of my aims with this website is to show how accurate astrology can be without the use of Signs or Houses. Could you please tell me what Progressed IC @ Algol 26 Taurus would indicate? Mercury Conjunction Venus 517 258 1357 - Sixty-eighth Legislative Assembly of North Dakota - LC Number 23.0907.01000 He has a very good sense of humor. Can you tell me what number 18 is. Those would be challenges. Also I have Saturn in the 7th house of , which also squares my Venus in the 9th house of . If we study astrology then we also have to study Greek mythology. Its only with Saturns permission that we can reap rewards, even if Jupiter were in play, Saturn could block or cause frustration, especially if resisted. What about Sun Square Saturn? On June 1, 1866, Charles Benedict, the father of the American eugenics movement was born. Hence, the Unaspected Moon suffers a great deal from his inherent nature. And yes, my fiance was an abusive narcissistic sociopath, who did abuse me while I was PREGNANT. I am going to go out on a limb and say anything in Virgo is hard. I have Venus square Neptune. A very unfortunate placement Im nurturing everybody, yet I end up getting hurt. I allow for 1 in other aspectstrine, square etc But as long as suffering is real in out life, we still have Medusas head on and we should pray for perseus to come and behead her, so than we can get back the access to the highest aspect of our divine mother Athena / Mary / Lakshmi / Isis etc In conclusion, I really dont think you want your inner Perseus to be bought to trial you actually need him to come and save you, so that you can get back your creative energies and create a life that suits you <3 Wishing you all the best on your journey ^_^-Disclaimer : I am a sis-woman, feminist, activist for lgbtq+ community, with a Lilith conjunct NN, a spiritual seeker, teacher and astrologer. It is easier than going back and forth to the article. My advice in all hopeless things, and we all have them, is to find Jesus as your Lord and Savior. Diana, surely you cannot be referring to this post: they want to find the nature of the planet in the partner. Sun opposite mc Thank YOU so much for sharing and Welcome Paige! Sara Aldrete 021, Robert Downey Jr. 031, Pablo Picasso 058, Eric Burdon 058 (and Venus and Uranus), Kamala Harris 140, John F. Kennedy 158. Or the cold hard truth. There are not remedies, per se. Wow! The name Algol comes from the Arabic word , meaning Head of the Ogre. It also conjuncts Venus, and Asc, all in Capricorn, with Saturn dignified in Aquarius. Totally agree with you thereif parents put their children in harms way its not the fault of the USA if it turns out badly. My friend was very nerdy, shy, and Sun and mercury conjunct in capricorn. i dont want to be this way anymore, please help me. Lol. That is the purpose of all of life. Can I delete this last post? Sometimes a little knowledge is a dangerous thing. But I would consider Jupiter too far away to be conjunct either Algol or Saturn, by degree (8) as well as by virtue of being in a different sign (I only give multi-sign conjunctions about 3 or less for planets), and maybe 1 for a fixed star). Hi Jamie, Maybe I am both. The native is a gift to others, as the native is very sweet, tender and childlike, which is unusual in this hard, cold and hostile world. maybe due the pluto moon, very passionate and everything goes, very experimental.I never had complaints. Awww You have some mitigating factors for a mercury/Uranus square. My goal is to somehow make a difference before I am gone, and to be a strong role model for my 5 granddaughters. Saturn was conjunct Algol. Memories of childhood are really painful. Also, Scorpio Venus in the 12th For example, if someone insults them, they react fast and in a defensive manner to protect their egos. My intuition tells me this aspect correlates to that lifetime and doesnt fuel a subconscious motivation for me to abuse. [4]. Yes. Some famous people with this placement in their charts include Marlene Dietrich, Frida Kahlo, Prince Albert, Elena Ford, Donald Trump, Woody Allen, Uma Thurman, Agatha Christie, and Henry Ford. That was the rebellious uranus finally waking up to fight saturns total control and oppression! just one will do such as moon or especially venus conjunct jupiter. These guys make me more happy of my african ancestry, what our ancestors accomplished and overcame, and the different hair textures in our ethnicity, making us so diverse. Once you hit 6 degrees, it will be more ambient. I do agree with the fantasy life good/bad interp you wrote. Mars in the 12thaction is super hard. Thanks for the great post, Jos, and Welcome! Many a fine counselor and healer has Algol thus placed. The masculine archetype is hence evident to represent the seed of consciousness that will fertilize the feminine so that she birth the SON of MAN or Christ, and stop birthing demons or psychological selves/egos that lead to suffering. Home / Fixed Stars / Perseus Constellation / Algol Star. As a practicing astrological consultant, however, the present author has found that one or both of these stars prominent, even though afflicted, on ones horoscope makes for an excellent counselor to others in the time of bereavement, with a special gift for bring out the brighter spiritual significance of Death as the transition to Greater Life and this so very often relieves the counselor him or herself from the misery that others so commonly suffer in that area of life. Now, WHY did they USE a feminine archetype to represent the monster in us : because the monster in us reproduce very fast giving birth to new venues of suffering, giving birth is a feminine quality. In some cases, you may find that you feel controlled by those who contribute to your life, as if they have bought your loyalty or affection or believe that they have and expect you to do their bidding in return. From: Registered: Sep 2012. posted October 03, 2013 05:28 PM. He mentioned that. 13. he was also very much a religious bigot too. Yes, totally. Is it because we sometimes say off the wall stuff that people usually dont say? Im pretty old now, and STILL fighting like hell. 4. Im eternally grateful for Gods love and grace and for the gift of life. [4], Fixed star Algol has the nature of Jupiter, but it also has a long tradition as a trouble maker. YOU are the most important person to me. What can you do? With Virgo Moon, he tries to be too perfect in his emotions. Could someone whom William is at least supposed to love {if not be actually in love with}, like Kate, be part of his Algol Venus ? I have Nessus conjunct Venus and Lilith in 12th house Virgo. This can be a sign of mental illness. I have Chiron conjunct ascendant and at 60 have never been bullied once life. This can dull the conscience and the sense of right and wrong.The more planets involved, the more severe the lack of conscience. . Do you agree? Medusas Head, the meaning of the Latin title, is being held in Perseuss hand, which is she is star in his constellation. but thats not true for you. Worked hard for whatever the boss offered; didnt think subconsciously she deserved much. Mars Trine Lilith 314 32 Others have not but I still do believe it lol. It is associated with Charles Manson types. Venus in Aries has ALWAYS given me the tenacity to go after what (or who) I want and finally gave me the gall to speak up for myself due to my moon and Mars in 12th as a youth (not speaking up for myself). Yep I faced a lot of challenges in life and I barely made it to freedom. Saturn conj the MC. Hi Ami, Other parts of the body can be affected here, especially the thymus gland which in turn affects the lymph nodes. Many have Algol conjunct IC,,_Queen_of_England, Neptune Quincunx mc, This question would take my doing an entire chart. [3], Lucy Hale 003, Jim Kerr 016, Uma Thurman 031, Lorraine Warren 047, Kenny Chesney 048, Donald Trump103, Frida Kahlo 131, Woody Allen 153, Descendant conjunct Algol: Helen Keller 135, Gianni Versace 147, Hyleg conjunct Algol and angular: Decapitation or a murderer who meets with a violent death. It is hard. With Virgo Venus, he is too picky about a mate. Or Lunar Nodes? I am so worried about her. Wow! Dejanira conjunct the ASCWill be the victim of others. #24 My ASC is in , and I have been also struggling with self-esteem issues of how I look (stemming from a badly broken nose during childhood which was later fixed, but still bothers me). albeit also ones genetics and level of evolution also plays a part too level of contributory assholery but its not true you need the extreme aspects or more of them for it to rear its ugly head. if the person is more evolved then it would be positively inventive/creative not depraved or sadistic. Right and wrong, with me, like the law, were decided by human. I have Nessus and Pluto widely conjunct (4 degrees) in the twelfth house both Rx and I am not an abuser. I wish that I hadnt, to be honest, but I think that I was meant to find you, so that you can hear this message. Uranus in the 12Has quirks which are kept secret. There was nothing about Medusa in Aspect to Venus. Venus square North Node. Moon in 45 taurus and uranus 314 aquarius She was good at everything. Im sure the unaccompanied children are going to be killed for their adrenaline (adrenochrome) the real question is how did Joe Biden know the missing children that were separated from their parents wereGONE! ? North Node and South Node Rulers in Astrology. Fixed star Algol, Beta Persei, is a 2.1 magnitude, rare triple star and eclipsing binary, located in the Medusas Head, carried in the left hand of the Hero, Perseus Constellation. PERSEUS in a demi-god, a son of God (remind me of someone), he is the part of your soul that remained untaintd by the descent into matter. var d=new Date();var n=d.toLocaleDateString();var t=d.toLocaleTimeString();document.write(n + "
" + t); One of the most famous myths in Greek mythology is that of Medusa, a gorgon who had a head that was made entirely of snakes. Mercury Quincunx mc Also, you are my kind of guy with a sense of humor . Midheaven conjunct Algol: Honor and preferment. Full of seriousness, perfectionism, and optimism at the same time; Jupiter doesnt do the best in 3rd, but hell, I still make it work. Jupiter with many planets( such as 3 or more) making squares or oppositions to it. Algol Thank you, Love! The fixed star Algol is also part of the Perseus constellation and historically . Oh I think houses matter ! Moon in virgo It is a reversed kind of situation. For the most part I do live a peaceful life now, but definitely used to have my own issues with anger and being very self protective. Just found this post. Youre right. The opposition, on the other hand, allows for a back and forth motion, such as a yin/yan motion back and forth between either pole. I offer chart readings here: However, Virgo makes a person be too hard on himself. I havent found anything on oppositions. Oh I see. This gave her so fearful an appearance that everyone who looked at her was changed into stone. Some people only accept exact, so there is a lot of difference in points of views out there. If you have Algol in aspect with your Ascendant then you will find that your relationships may be very emotional and possessive. So really, MEDUSA is an aspect of the DIVINE MOTHER when she is prostituted, meaning when her christic energies are used towards materialistic et egoistic pursuits, then our inner Divine Mother becomes a monster. Yep Mars and the Moon in the 12th would be HARD. True node opposite mc Thanks for all the good information., I dont see here Algol in conjunction with jupiter, as I have. They EVOKE power struggles and excess emotional battering and blame it on everyone else. Chiron semisextile mc You are the first who mentioned Chiron, and now things feel like falling into place! It hides what inhabits it. I was just given the bad end of the stick upon my birth and its not even (according to you) to a productive end, I am just screwed and must get used to the fact that in this life, I am meant to feel nothing but pain. Algol is widely conjunct my Moon and Chiron in Taurus. Wow I have 5,6,13,18,21(12th), 23,24,27 maybe that is why I seemed cursed in finding love and all have pretty much given up. I have worked from a very young age and do not have an alcohol or drug addiction. Please help she wants to know, You should not go by this. Im puzzled over that one. Its very hight to handle, the sexuality really screaming out, intense feelings, so intense that there are moments you just cant think in nothing but just on it Of course, my lilith in the MC no helps so much too This is not to say you are a Charles Manson if you have this, but you will have dark impulses, most likely. Mercury was in Cancer at 10 17. They may even feel as if they have schizophrenia as they have so many different thoughts and feelings. I should write an article on it, Deja. Salvador Dali 021 (and Mercury), Nancy Pelosi 043, Robert De Niro 045, Liberace 137. I guess its the evil eye aspect of algol(binary blinking star) and Medusa (stare that turns individuals to stone). You could use the paint program to white out your personal info, though. Mercury conjunct Algol: David Beckham 000 (and Ascendant), Eric Burdon 007, Johnny Depp 021 (and Venus), Alexei Navalny 040, Jay Leno 044, Mark Wahlberg 055, Salvador Dali 120 (and Mars), Clint Eastwood 122, Joseph Gurney Cannon 122. From this some astrologists especially truth in aspect astrology jewels, dark star astrology, TheAs57, and online articles think that Im an arrogant, egocentric person who wants to been seen as God or a saint when I do good deeds then I wander why people throw my kind deeds or gifts back in my face. Is Jesus your Lord and Savior? Your email address will not be published. xx Saturn conj the MC Would you be interested in a more superficial reading from me, for which I would charge less? Your life will have a theme of responsibility and it will be kind of hard but I bet you are a super cool person! This guy abuseded me very differently though I suppose at the time hed fit the description of malignant narcissist or something close. How close are the Chiron oppositions? xoxoxo. Ever see someone just as nice and friendly and then look at their chart? The 8th House is known for knowledge of the occult, undiscovered things, research, hidden talent, government taxes, and secret government policies. But not confident enough to strike out professionally. Capricorn Asc. i've been suicidal most of my . Au. Hi Ami Anne. Anyone know? How does it play out if its on the vertex? I do believe that planets conjunct fixed stars are of significance, but I put aspect patterns, declinations, among others of higher importance. the person who raped me and was most abusive and i ve known many abusive people throughout llfe, he was the worst monster of all. She is going to lose. I would agree with the stuck in servitude {until you wake up! These beings should consult spiritual healers who can make life a bit more comfortable for them as it will help open up the energy at this point and balance it with the rest of the system. Overall, thank you for your cut and clear honesty and I appreciate everything that you do. This makes the man wimpy, as he cant stand up. Did you have a really hard relationship with your father? 10. The person will, often, have a hidden fantasy life or a complete double life. I am a wondering if you could elaborate about number 18 for me, as I have Venus, Uranus & Pluto (all within 5 degrees of each other) in the 8th house Virgo. Once we pass the ghoul in Algol, we find the pure Spirit in that word, just as its modern derivative, Alcohol, which does so much damage if used irresponsibly, is also the background material of the Universe, without which nothing else exists at all. Medusa is NOT a WOMAN, she is a FEMININE ENERGY. Fixed stars are only supposed to influence in conjunction. I always questioned Mercury as the ruler of Virgo. and even then, you still want to serve so you gotta be careful how much you give! I think since Saturn Mars and Pluto is also in the 10th house but only Mars conjunct MC 7 deg and Saturn conjunct MC 1 deg. You and astrologer IQ are amazing. Thank you so much Nicole! You may not be able to figure out the right balance in things like spend too much money or maybe reveal too much of yourself and then feel weird xoxo. I guess I'll have to wait and see how this pans out. 23. Mars is 13 degrees away but I think it is still part of that stellium due to being within orb of the other points. as you well know, my Friend. (Not conjunct my ASC by one degree out of orb theyre 6 deg apart). Im super scared about the Violent death part, Mine might be creepier. ! Lol.. If not, it doesnt really count as Nessus conj the ASC,S. Sun square Ascendant. The presence of Algol in the eighth house seems questionable. If that be present, in the person or question or event for which the chart is drawn, then all will go well. As well, you mentioned things like Sun Conjunct Saturn. Does Medusa mar or dilute Venuss gifts ? He gets a great tan. Capulus Wow Alin. Hi Deborah. #20 Applies To Me, in terms of aspects My favourite saying is My conscience is clear, my conscience is clear! Biggest nonsense I have read. 5, 12, 23, 27 and 29. Jupiter Hello. My 12th house Leo Mars opposes a 6th house Sun/Saturn one degree conjunction. I think what you wrote is alittle too much of a generalisation considering usually aspects involving Mercury and Uranus points to innovation and intelligence? In astrology, the head of the famous Medusa is known as the fixed star called Algol which is located at 26 degrees of Taurus. There is a lust for life if you have this placement, but it can also cause you to act without thinking, while at the same time also making you feel creative and inspired. It certainly turned my life upside down, i packed up me and my 2 children(both under 3) got on a bus in the middle of the night with $175 to start our lives overheaded across the United States to a place I didnt know, my ex had to hire private eye to find us.but I couldnt let my kids be hurt like I was! South Node conjunct Algol: James VI and I 032, Justin Bieber 051. Any Moon in the 12th House in a mans chartSuppression of emotions and marries a cruel woman. Their energy is blocked up to the pituitary gland thus interfering with spiritual development. Child Asteroid Conjunct Dejaniraabuse but not as bad as Moon conjunct dejanira, but usually sexual abuse. Moon in 12th, stellium in 12th house(libra sun moon mercury), Cancer Jupiter squaring Libra sun moon mercury, and opposing a Capricorn mars,and mercury in retorgrade combusting the sun in the 12th. but it's more depression. Yes, Neptune can cause a loss of self that may manifest in a variety of ways. This site uses cookies to help personalise content, tailor your experience and to keep you logged in if you register. When uranus finally breaks free of Saturn and starts to breath it can go crazy, like a starving person is ravenous for food uranus is ravenous for freedom and to have its needs mean something! With my other t square, they think that I can be selfish and aggressive in love and relationships, whine, mope, yell, act defensive, and guilt trip people when I feel Im not appreciated for my kind acts, and that I only see my lovers through rose color glasses giving them qualities that they do not possess which is not always unconditional love. Venus square Uranus. also mars inconjuct saturn. Please let me know if you ever would have time to if not, I definitely understand. I wish that would have qualified me for Spanish citizenship. Saturn Square Uranus 451 -41 The 17th-century English astrologer William Lilly regarded any planet to be afflicted when within five degrees of conjunction. However, I am a people pleaser with a servants heart, who prefers peace at all costs, so having the courage to stand up for myself has been a lifelong process. OOF. This is another area where I will have Astrologers all over me, saying this is not true. And then, the perfect soul becomes a suffering creature i.e. I have seen it in the eighth house in Taurus, Conjunct the south node (Also in Taurus, naturally) How would I ascertain the meaning of this? Theres a difference between optimism and being delusional. It is probably the most famous of the four Archangel stars representing St Michael. Algol sits on Donald Trumps Midheaven and is square to Mars in Leo and square to his Leo Ascendant. The conjunction is a melding of the energies. It can be out of control, and Ive read it can become violent if someone gets in the way and tries to stop or slow uranus as it runs for freedom! Pope Francis I 156. Venus has no negative aspects, Sun - no positive aspects. . , I am so thankful for your comment. Leo Sun in 8 th house. That is split into multiple agendas and thoughts most of them setting you to suffering unless UNLESS you become PERSEUS and go inside yourself slay the inner demon. Scorpio nessus in the 12th. Isnt that saying it straight out? Yikesall that Scorpio and a weak Mars. i also have a capricorn moon though, cap IC with a hard family life, sun square uranus with the classic absent/dangerous father story, an 8th house stellium and 4th house moon 12th house mars. Did you have a hard time with your mother and how close is the Moon/Saturn opposition, Lou? Pluto conjunct Venus in 1st Virgo Moon, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn here.. The person feels riddled with self doubt, as if a giant inferiority complex follows them around like the cloud which follows Pigpen in Charlie Brown. You can ask any questions you have. Algol represents the head of the Gorgon Medusa who was slain by Perseus. Oh and Ive never been addicted to drugs or drinking haha. [1], Astrologers, of course, said that it was the most unfortunate, violent, and dangerous star in the heavens, and it certainly has been one of the best observed, as the most noteworthy variable in the northern sky. If your Saturn is at 25 degrees Taurus, you have Saturn conjunct Algol. I really hate the 7th house stellium. Does not have a bony nose. Algol is the worst fixed star. I have Algol conj Saturn Rx in 1H Taurus. Not to sound patronising or conceited but I think you are Great. It represses and suppresses what inhabits it. Did I throw in there that the mental illness came from how I was treated as a child and not because my own mind reverted on itself and made me some crazy loon? It is very hard to deal with any 12th House planet, let alone 3 or more.. Hi! or the progressed planets would have the same effect ut would last only for a short time? Ask Michael where Obamas Algol is. Just glad Mars is safely tucked away in Leo, otherwise I'd have to watch my head! They may also feel as if they have many demons within that they need to fight. Unfortunately however, even though people are attracted to you, there is a sense that you may never consider yourself worthy of their attention. My Jupiter is 1 degree in Gemini, and Saturn is 27 degrees in Taurus (both in 9th house according to Placidus). If you had one request per question I will try to answer, Janay xoxoox. Just like the silvery tongued devil, I have a way or gift, of using linguistics to instill fear in situations where brute force is a potentiality which in turn, diffuses said situation without my needing to do a thing other than speak. You give Sun and Mercury ), Nancy Pelosi 043, Robert De Niro 045, Liberace 137 planets,. The Moon in the 12th house planet, let alone 3 or more ) making squares or oppositions it! It to freedom of challenges in life and I appreciate everything that you do you use... A complete double life a suffering creature i.e serve so you got ta be careful much. Double life I suppose at the time hed fit the description of malignant narcissist or something close im nurturing,! Hard relationship with your mother and how close is the Moon/Saturn opposition Lou. Creature i.e and Chiron in Taurus Gemini, and still fighting like hell Donald Trumps and... Planets ( such as Moon or especially Venus conjunct jupiter, Mars, jupiter but! 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