Talias boyfriend at the time told The Cut he found the arrangement troubling, especially after discovering Talias father stroking 19-year-old Isabellas hair while both were laying on Talias bed. Pulled me by the hair.. The success and innovation of the series is that it combines real learning with a genuinely entertaining, sophisticated and s Extr@ is a language-learning sitcom broadcast in many countries. At the time, Ray, who had been the best man at Keriks wedding, was under indictment in a $40 million stock scam. Lawrence Ray, 60, is accused of moving into his daughters residence at Sarah Lawrence College in 2010, befriending her classmates and then becoming a patriarchal figure who exerted a manipulative influence over their lives for a decade while cheating them out of nearly $1 million. RAY's tactics included sleep deprivation, psychological and sexual humiliation, verbal abuse, threats of physical violence . Bridget and Annie now reveal themselves and think that the "millionaires" could pay for the withered plant and the underwear. And he didnt, even when it threatened to put him back in jail!. Nick insists that they are millionaires. If convicted, he faces life in prison. But the trial of Lawrence Larry Ray, on federal charges of sex trafficking, extortion and conspiracy has caused revulsion and horror, and raised troubling questions that go far beyond criminal justice. When there is a knock at the door at the agreed time, two girls dressed as dogs are standing there. The episode descriptions are based on the English version. At the school, he enticed a group of his daughters friends with wild tales about his life, which he claimed included hobnobbing with a former Soviet president and disgraced ex-NYPD Commissioner Bernard Kerik. Larry filmed it, she told the jury. Pour en savoir plus sur notre utilisation de vos informations, veuillez consulter notre Politique relative la vie prive et notre Politique en matire de cookies. In one of many strange twists in the case, he allegedly met many of his victims in 2010 through . "As always the safety and well-being of our students and alumni is a priority for the college.". Daniel Levin claimed Ray made a necklace out of Saran wrap, aluminum foil rolled into small balls and string. Bridget (Sacha, Sascha, Lola) shares a flat in London (Paris, Berlin, Barcelona) with her friend Annie (Anna, Ana). Lawrence Ray has been charged with engaging in sex trafficking, extortion, and forced labor. He was mind-screwing these kids to the max, Kerik said after Rays arrest. Copyright 2023 NBCUniversal Media, LLC. The impetus for the federal investigation was an article in New York magazine in April titled The Stolen Kids of Sarah Lawrence., document.getElementById("ak_js_1").setAttribute("value",(new Date()).getTime()), Who is Qing Han aka Qinni? I dont think anyone really questioned (his presence) because it was such a huge part of Talias life, roommate Daniel Barban Levin explained. Ray believed the tales, Glashausser claimed, and documented them in his video recordings of the students, which the defense plans to use as evidence of his innocence. Pollok was distraught over a recent break-up with her boyfriend. Lawrence Ray, 59, is accused by former followers of creating a cult after moving into his daughter's dorm room at Sarah Lawrence College. Thanks for contacting us. Talias boyfriend recalled how he controlled every move. "Sex for grades": Undercover in West African universities, What we learned from the Nxivm sex cult trial, When sexual abuse was called seduction: France faces past, Ukraine interior ministry leadership killed in crash, 'I saw a burning helicopter circling': 16 killed in Ukraine crash, Italian held in EU bribery probe agrees to tell all. We are in awe of their bravery in the face of incredible trauma. Slapped me. Bridget, Annie and Nick are upset about Hector's old-fashioned style of dress and want to give him a new wardrobe. He calls both the women his wives. Bridget gives Hector gymnastics lessons, then takes Annie to the gym. Rays methods echo the abuse described in other notorious recent cases such as the Nxivm sex cult and the Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell sex-trafficking cases. Ray, then a 50-year-old ex-convict, moved into his daughters on-campus housing at the prestigious Sarah Lawrence College in New York City shortly after his release from prison in 2010. i like sams peanuts. They have a neighbor who fancies himself, and one of the women. But Im going to be sleeping on the floor. As this makes Hector sweat, he goes to take a shower. He told them that she had been sexually abused as a child and if she came home to visit she might attempt suicide. These messages are plainly designed to tamper with witnesses and deter these women from cooperating in the Governments investigation," prosecutors wrote. She is slated to face trial separately. Unable to move, unable to breathe, unable to scream for help. At one point, she said, he stopped to have burgers and fries. Meanwhile, Hector sprays the plant with perfume instead of watering it and puts his red T-shirt inside the white underwear, which has to be washed very hot. Jealous Nick slyly teaches Hector words with which he later unsuspectingly annoy Annie. Three of the women tried killing themselves and another said his family gave Larry over $200,000. Living with Bridget/Sacha/Sascha/Lola is roommate Anna/Annie/Ana. Mr Ray has denied the charges, claiming they are the result of a conspiracy against him. The latter then places a dating ad on the internet claiming that they are both millionaires, when in fact this is only true of Hector. I dont think anyone really questioned it because it was such a huge part of Talias life, said Daniel, one of the Slonim 9 roommates https://t.co/iz1ZtdBqQ2 pic.twitter.com/1aTQjU5hKr, Talia came to her fathers defense, saying hed been jailed due to crooked officials trying to bring him down for exposing government corruption. The success and innovation of the series is that it combines real learning with a genuinely entertaining, sophisticated and sometimes risqu sitcom format that appeals to the 'Friends' generation. In total, he is accused of extorting about $1m from at least five victims. On one occasion, Ray allegedly placed a knife to the throat of a male victim until he confessed. Larry Ray is a predator. Informations sur votre appareil et sur votre connexion Internet, y compris votre adresseIP, Navigation et recherche lors de lutilisation des sites Web et applications Yahoo. In a statement reported by US media, Sarah Lawrence College described the charges as "serious, wide-ranging, disturbing, and upsetting". To repay their supposed debts to Ray, the victims resorted to measures such as draining parents savings accounts, opening lines of credit and earning money through prostitution. His alleged co-conspirator Isabella Pollok, a former Sarah Lawrence student described by prosecutors as his trusted lieutenant, has also been charged with sex-trafficking, extortion and racketeering in the case. He recorded their humiliations, including through audio and video recordings" in which Ray verbally and physically abused them, prosecutors said. One follower has confessed to trying to poison Ray. Ray was once good friends with former New York City Police Commissioner Bernard Kerick. Prosecutors said Ray told pretrial services employees after his arrest that one woman was his common-law wife and the other was like a daughter he had assumed guardianship over., Yet, prosecutors said, Ray has now told his father to tell the supposed daughter that he would marry her and to make sure she knows that.. Elvis Presley's only daughter died Thursday at age 54, just . Lawrence "Larry" Ray's trial on 17 charges for sex. Harvard medical school graduate Felicia Rosario testified that after being introduced to Ray by her brother Santos, a Sarah Lawrence student, she began a relationship, before he urged her into extreme sexual situations, encouraging her to have sex with strangers in Walmart or Home Depot and to consider becoming an escort. VideoChess gets a risqu makeover, The Nigerian influencers paid to manipulate your vote, How a baffling census delay is hurting Indians, How Mafia boss was caught at a clinic after 30 years. Sleazy and sly neighbor Nick/Nico/Nic/Pablo lives across the hallway. They plot revenge and delete the 633 mails. They have a tendency to disbelieve, because its so painful to accept the reality. That evidence includes tens of thousands of video files and more than 150,000 audio files among over 15 terabytes of electronic evidence. She told me to kill you, Drury said to Ray, who can be heard off-camera questioning her. Part of why I got in a cult at all was because I had no idea how one finds a place to live in New York.. The pair fell out and Mr Ray cooperated with authorities in a high-profile corruption case against Kerik. But now I think were becoming aware of all sorts of variants of that., Original reporting and incisive analysis, direct from the Guardian every morning. NEW YORK (CBSNewYork) - There was a court appearance Wednesday for the father accused of manipulating college students into prostitution and forced labor. Segn la fiscala, logr sacar a los estudiantes de. After the three practise shopping with Hector in the local language, he goes off himself and, amazingly, returns shortly afterwards in a fashionable outfit. Ray was best man at Keriks wedding, drove Mikhail Gorbachev around town on a trip to New York, and travelled to Kosovo, allegedly to buy US-supplied Stinger missiles back before they fell into Russian hands. Lawrence Ray -- the federal informant whose information helped lead to the arrest of former NYPD commissioner Bernie Kerik -- has been arrested by the FBI on sex trafficking and other charges, according to the FBI and U.S. Attorney's Office for the Southern District of New York. Rosario testified that the encounters had made her feel disgusting, ashamed, embarrassed, not human, used, trash, small. Ray regularly engaged the group with intellectual discussions and counselled them through personal issues like break-ups in therapy sessions, they said. Keep making money.. One of these officials was former New York City Police Commisioner Bernard Kerik. Here's Why, Finally, There's Snow In the Forecast! The indictment also says Ray took and kept explicit photographs of some of the victims and sometimes documented their false confessions, including on video. Two young women sh Extr@ is a language-learning sitcom broadcast in many countries. Pour en savoir plus sur notre utilisation de vos informations, veuillez consulter notre Politique relative la vie prive et notre Politique en matire de cookies. Ray has previously denied wrongdoing and claimed to The Cut he was being poisoned as part of a conspiracy hatched by some of the students and former New York City police commissioner Bernard Kerik. As Lawrence Ray, the ex-felon who had moved into a Sarah Lawrence dorm and drew his daughter's friends under his control, faces trial for sex trafficking, extortion, and forced labor, two . It also turns out that Hector's bad impression was due to Nick's machinations. We've received your submission. [1], The English version has 30 episodes, and the other three languages have 13 episodes each. Responding to Rays indictment, Sarah Lawrence College said it had not been contacted by federal prosecutors but would cooperate if invited to do so. That was the first time in my life that anyone had listened to me. Drury continued by saying how devoted Larry was to their community. Larry always made it clear: he would never abandon any of us because of what other people said or thought. The first former Sarah Lawrence student to testify at the trial, Santos Rosario, told jurors Thursday that Ray started to physically abuse him after he began spending time at the Upper East Side apartment in the summer of 2011. But as alleged, Lawrence Ray exploited that vulnerable time in his victims lives through a course of conduct that shocks the conscience, Mr Berman said. I wanted to poison you and I didnt care about other people, she said. Ray was previously known for helping send ex-New York City police commissioner Bernard Kerik, a one-time close confidant of former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani, to prison. The series is particularly suitable for adolescents and young adults who can relate to the contextual setting and implied meanings in the screenplay. He did all of our cleaning and definitely took on the dad role in the house in a big way, one of the eight roommates told The Cut. The situation became so unbearable that Talias boyfriend broke up with her in order to get away from Ray. Many of the gifts and favors that came Keriks way were unreported. Court documents filed after his arrest claimed Ray continued efforts to control his victims while in custody. En cliquant sur Refuser tout, vous refusez tous les cookies non essentiels et technologies similaires, mais Yahoo continuera utiliser les cookies essentiels et des technologies similaires. They described him as a charming caretaker who quickly embedded himself within the home. It certainly rivals them for allegations of abuse of the victims. It makes me angry. Defense lawyers say some materials prosecutors have turned over include exculpatory audio and video of alleged victims confessing to harming Mr. So she tries to post a personal ad on the internet, but only gets three completely bizarre responses. According to New York magazine, the abuse started when Mr Ray showed up at his daughter's university in 2010, after being released from prison, where he had been serving time on charges related to a custody dispute. The 30th episode ended with Sam questioning "Should I go? He is an actor, known for The Book Group (2002), Lotte (2006) and Castingx (2005). This leads to the misunderstanding that he is supposedly playing with toy cars and living in a museum. Updated. The university said it had investigated the allegations raised in the The Cut article but "did not substantiate those specific claims". He did all of our cleaning and definitely took on the dad role in the house, said one former roommate who wished only to be identified as Juli Anna. The sordid details were laid out in Manhattan federal court by Assistant US Attorney Lindsey Keenan as she told jurors about the alleged abuse Ray inflicted on his victims to further a criminal enterprise she called the Ray Family.. Authorities say he collected more than $500,000 from one woman after forcing her into prostitution, while several were forced to perform unpaid labour. The roommates didnt seem fazed by having a 50-year-old ex-con living with them in their college housing. He has pleaded not guilty to. Lawrence Ray was charged with sex trafficking, extortion, forced labor and other offenses regarding his alleged criminal actions, some of which he went on with for nearly a decade, according to the indictment from federal prosecutors in Manhattan. The English version was co-produced by Channel 4 Learning and RAI CPTO (Production Centre of Turin) for RAI Educational. Absolutely I did. At the end of the video, when he asks why she is confessing, Drury responded sheepishly, So I can have access to you.. An evil man who did evil things. i like peanuts. A woman once believed to be a victim in a cult-like group rife with alleged sexual exploitation and extortion is now facing charges in the case herself. Ray o "Larry", como lo llamaba el grupo del que presuntamente se aprovech, est acusado de extorsin, trfico sexual y trabajos forzados. A lot of the electronic evidence was seized from Ray's Piscataway, New Jersey, residence after his arrest. He convinced a group of the students to move into his one-bedroom apartment on the Upper East Side and began asserting control over them by coaxing them into making false, video-recorded confessions about them trying to poison him and hurt his family, prosecutors charge. Nick wants a biker, Annie a cowboy and Bridget wants a trendy style. Ray is charged in a 17-count indictment for allegedly forcing a group of young men and women to perform unpaid labor, extorting money from them and forcing one of them into prostitution for more than a year. After gaining the victims trust, he would subject them to interrogation sessions in which he would make false accusations, such as that they deliberately damaged the apartment or Rays property, harmed Ray and his family members, or poisoned Ray and his family members and other associates. Lawrence Ray, who moved into his daughter's Sarah Lawrence College dorm, was convicted on all counts following a Manhattan trial. Read about our approach to external linking. Before these accusations, Ray was well known in New York and pleaded guilty to conspiracy in 2001 after being indicted with 18 others in a $41 million securities fraud scheme. He used the threatening displays of violence both to create fear and maintain control over his victims, Assistant US Attorney Mollie Bracewell told the jury. Ray would also take everyone on outings or for dinner and pick up the tab. In court papers late Wednesday, Ray's lawyers bemoaned that their incarcerated client can't view most evidence against him because of its sensitive nature. Announcing Rays arrest in 2020, Mr Berman said the father gained his victims trust and then turned on them, falsely accusing them of harming him by attempting to poison him or to deliberately damage his property. After gaining their trust, prosecutors say Mr Ray subjected his victims to interrogation sessions in which he falsely accused them of harming him by attempting to poison him or damage his property. According to an indictment unsealed Tuesday, Lawrence Ray is charged with nine counts that include extortion, sex trafficking, forced labor and money laundering in connection to his alleged crimes against students at the college in Westchester County. This was a group of storytellers, attorney Allegra Glashausser told the jury in her opening statement on behalf of Ray. Claudia Drury in a video posted on YouTube where she confesses a bizarre scheme to poison Lawrence Ray. He also encourages Hector to prove his fitness on Bridget's exercise bike, even though he knows that she doesn't tolerate strangers on it. Pollok, the one-time best friend of Rays daughter, will face a separate trial in Manhattan federal court this summer. Four versions were made, each in a different language; English, French, German, and Spanish. The boyfriend recalled Ray saying, Youre acting like Im going to be sleeping with her. She said that, over four years, she gave Ray $2.5m in installments that averaged between $10,000 and $50,000 per week. The students who lived in the two-storey brick building Slonim Woods 9, most of whom were sophomores, described how they were originally unfazed when their housemate asked if her father could stay with them for a bit after getting out of jail, where he served time related to a child custody dispute. Legal documents show that Larry Ray, daughter Talia, Isabella and others were still living together in 2017. Ray is a 62-year-old Brooklyn native accused of manipulating, abusing, and sex-trafficking his daughter's former friends and roommates at Sarah Lawrence College. Officials say he received $200,000 from some of the victims parents bank accounts and $500,000 from forcing a female victim into prostitution. Ray then exploited the information to demean and humiliate victims through interrogations, where victims confessed their supposed wrongdoings as he seized their journals and personal devices, prosecutors wrote. At first they pretend to be dancers in a dog musical. Nous, Yahoo, faisons partie de la famille de marques Yahoo. Extra (stylized as "extr@") is a language education television program franchise that was scripted in the format of a Friends -esque sitcom. The plots are almost the same in the language versions. Vous pouvez modifier vos choix tout moment en consultant vos paramtres de vie prive. Control his victims in 2010 through Kerik said after Rays arrest a knock at the agreed time two! Max, Kerik said after Rays arrest will face a separate trial Manhattan..., the English version was co-produced by Channel 4 Learning and RAI CPTO ( Production Centre of Turin for... S tactics included sleep deprivation, psychological and sexual humiliation, verbal,... 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