Resources Available to Assist Fort Pierce Utilities Authority Customers with Utility Payments. DINE, SHOP, AND ENJOY THE BEAUTIFUL HISTORIC, DOWNTOWN FORT PIERCE, Copyright 2019-2020 Fort Pierce Utilities Authority. Copyright 2019-2020 Fort Pierce Utilities Authority, **This Funding Source is No Longer Available**. WFLX wanted to know why the accounts were past due. 3900. The service area is established by the Florida Public Service Commission. Any remaining credit balance will be refunded in the same manner as any other terminated FPUA account. Anyone who anticipates difficulty paying their utility bill due to this pandemic should reach out to us to work out payment options. Treasure Coast Energy Center, a 300-megawatt natural gas-fired power plant, generates enough electricity to serve approximately 60,000 homes in 13 cities served by the Florida Municipal Power Associations (FMPA) All-Requirements Project. FPUA will not issue accumulated credits to accounts, unless the Customer terminates their participation in Budget Billing and continues the nonparticipation for 12 months. City of Fort Lauderdale Utility Billing & Collections Office 100 N Andrews Ave, 1st Floor Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301 Phone: (954) 828-5150 Fax: (954) 828-5880 Office Hours: Monday-Friday 8:00a.m. Fort Pierce Utilities Authority (FPUA) is continuously monitoring the situation surrounding COVID-19 and is diligently working to develop programs that are responsive to customer needs. Be safe and stay healthy! Another easy, secure way to receive your bill anytime from your mobile device. The Project Care COVID-19 Relief Fund is available to customers experiencing financial hardship dueto the coronavirus pandemic. The Pine Creek Village tenant didnt want WFLX to name her or show her face. 772.466.1600. Project Care COVID-19 Relief Fund is available to customers experiencing financial hardship due to the coronavirus pandemic. 141. And then you cant bathe, you cant flush the toilet, you cant wash your face, you cant brush your teeth, said a tenant. We strive for service excellence and providing continuous power, unfortunately there are times where we are unable to do this due to storms, human error, animals, etc. This convenient option eliminates the necessity of coming to one of our locations to make payments. The Budget Billing variance account balance (the difference between the Budget Billing amount and the amount actually billed for services). Additionally, a portion of the funds is available as reimbursements to local governmental agencies that spent funds on preventative measures relating to COVID-19. A maximum of 6 customers will be permitted inside the lobby at one time. Typically, the drive-thru window is very busy early in the morning, so a visit late morning or early afternoon should lessen wait time. If you are experiencing other needs or concerns, please call the 211 helpline or visit their Pam Beach and Treasure Coast website The convenience and ease of online payments gives you 24/7 account access to pay your bill within your schedule. This grant will result in retaining existing jobs and attracting future companies to the corridor, Fort Pierce Mayor Linda Hudson said in a news release. For any commercial customer that is experiencing financial hardship, please take advantage of the COVID-19 payment program at zero (0%) interest. St. Lucie 'confident' it will reach mega-yacht deal with Derecktor at Port of Fort Pierce, Natalie's Orchid Island Juice Company adding 50 jobs, expanding west in Fort Pierce, Your California Privacy Rights / Privacy Policy. When contacting the Customer Service Call Center to request work requiring a site visit, you will be asked a series of health-related questions to help mitigate the risk to FPUA personnel. 2300 Virginia Avenue Fort Pierce, FL 34982 772-462-1100 Email Disclaimer Accessibility Disclaimer Website Design by Granicus - Connecting People and Government Avoid touching your eyes, nose, or mouth with unwashed hands or after touching surfaces. Fort Pierce Utilities Authority - Community Proud Skip to content Careers Doing Business w/FPUA Outage/Trouble: (772) 466-7703 Outage Map Pay My Bill Manage My Account Public Records Request Stop/Start/Transfer Service Residential Pay My Bill Manage My Account Stop/Start/Transfer Service Customer Care Customer Service FAQ's Understand My Bill Arts & crafts vendors will line up in front of the Indian River in Marina Square. Payments received after 2 p.m. will be scheduled for the next business day and posted the following business day M-F excluding holidays. The utility that receives the Diamond designation must successfully meet 100 percent of the defined criteria. All customer service activities and programs will be available through the FPUA Call Center at 772-466-1600, ext. If you dont have soap and water, use a hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol. Original hand made crafts, stained glass, Highwaymen paintings, hand-painted glassware and much, more are available for purchase. Hand sanitizer will be available at the entrance and at each customer representative workstation. Like so many others at the Pine Creek Village complex, she wants to know why she went a day without running water. These categories are ranked against standards set by the Public Power Communities across the nation. Editor's note The above section, pertaining to disposition of net revenues of utilities, was derived from Laws of Fla., 1 of Ch. We urge customers with a past-due balance to call and set up payment arrangements to avoid assessment of late fees and disconnection of services, which will resume on July 27, 2020. Create a Website Account - Manage notification subscriptions, save form progress and more. If you are not already registered, simply complete the registration process, save a payment method and select pay by text. The drive-thru window will be open extended hours from 7:30 am-5:00 pm. With FPUAs AutoPay, you save time, save stamps, and never forget to pay your monthly utility bill. Phone and Mobile Payment Options. Offered at zero percent (0%) interest, this payment program allows you to finance your past due balance without interruption of service. Fort Pierce Utilities Authority (FPUA) will re-open the Customer Service Lobby on Wednesday, May 20, 2020 at 9:00 am. Public power utilities, like Fort Pierce Utilities Authority, are especially mindful of the fact that reliability is as important as maintaining low rates. Advertisement FPUA anticipates reopening the lobby after a period of two weeks, but will re-evaluate according to recommendations from the CDC and SLC Department of Health. If you need to make payment arrangements to avoid interruption of service, please call us at 772-466-1600 to speak to a customer service representative. Under utility regulations, these costs are passed along to customers at cost, through a charge on their bill commonly referred to as a fuel adjustment fee. Utilities do not profit from increased fuel and purchased power costs. The city commission shall have power to provide for lighting the streets, parks and public buildings of the city; and to . being used 100.0% of the time. The 13 cities include Fort Pierce, Bushnell, Clewiston, Fort Meade, Green Cove Springs, Havana, Jacksonville Beach, Key West, Kissimmee, Leesburg, Newberry, Ocala, and Starke. The drive-thru is typically very busy in the morning, visit late morning or early afternoon to shorten wait times. If you have been impacted by illness or job loss related to the pandemic, please call 211 to inquire if there are organizations in our area that may have funds available to assist eligible residents. This program is available until July 24, 2020. Copyright 2019-2020 Fort Pierce Utilities Authority. Click here to view the flyer from Florida Community Health Centers, Inc. We agree with the Boards decision to give customers additional time to bring their accounts current, take advantage of FPUA payment plans, or seek funding assistance, said John Tompeck, Director of Utilities. FPUA accepts Master Card, Visa, and Discover credit card payments through our Online Services. Minimum payment now is $1200 and reminder of balance over 6 months at $200 per month.This program will be available until July 1, 2020 so please contact our commercial liaison representative at 772-466-1600, extension 3243 at your earliest convenience to register for this program and to avoid interruption of service.All of our customers are encouraged to pay their bill each month to the extent possible. Its been real tough, because I have kids and I have a disabled son, she said. Example: $2,400 past due balance with a $1200 deposit requirement. Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when coughing or sneezing and then discard. This extension will allow FPUA customers additional time to set up payment plans or seek assistance to avoid interruption of their utility service. This includes the following items: We strongly encourage our customers to stay current with their utility bills to the extent possible and we will continue to work diligently to develop programs to assist you as we transition through this crisis. Pay your utility bill online through the Fort Pierce Utilities Authority payment center. The administrative building located at 206 S. 6thStreet will continue to offer extended drive-thru hours of 7:30 am-5:00 pm, Monday through Friday, and lobby hours of 9:00 am-5:00 pm, Monday through Friday. The childrens activities include a Giant Slide and a bounce house. You will receive a monthly email letting you know your statement is available and a reminder email when payment is due. in 1972, the city created and made a part of the government a utilities authority to be known and designated as fort pierce utilities authority (fpua) which is responsible for the development, production, purchase and distribution of all electricity, gas, water, sanitary sewer collection and disposal, and such other utility services as may be Eligibility requirements apply. Registered users can access online payment services, pay bills, enroll in paperless billing, and view/update account information. This one-time assistance of up to $4,000 can be used for: For residents seeking assistance visitwww.recoverstlucie.orgfor additional information, eligibility criteria, and application. If you are already registered in the online portal, once logged in you can click on the My Profile button, then select Update Account Info. As the positive cases of coronavirus continue to escalate, please follow these suggested guidelines: FPUA will continue to communicate regularly through our website(, Facebook (, and news releases. Eligibility requirements apply. Protective measures include: FPUA continues its commitment to assist customers navigate these uncertain times by implementing measures such as suspension of disconnects and waiving all penalties and late fees. Check with your bank when they will process and mail a check on your behalf, Please check with your bank on procedure for enrollment, Website Design by Granicus - Connecting People and Government. Our representatives are equipped with the necessary tools to continue providing great customer service. The water in the more than 100 units at Pine Creek Village, finally came on Friday morning. They dont want to wait 10 months for the infrastructure to be built., More:Natalie's Orchid Island Juice Company adding 50 jobs, expanding west in Fort Pierce. The 69-acre Treasure Coast Energy Center site is located in the Midway Industrial Park, southwest of Fort Pierce, along Glades Cut-Off Road. 3900. At the July 21, 2020, meeting, the Fort Pierce Utilities Authority (FPUA) Board voted to extend the suspension of disconnects for non-payment until September 5th, 2020. Credit/ Debit Cards only same day posting if paid before 4:30 pm. The Electric Transmission and Distribution Department is responsible for the operation, construction, and maintenance of our electrical system in order to provide safe, timely, and reliable service. Every Saturday, the Fort Pierce Jazz & Blues Society hosts a Jazz Market featuring creative arts & crafts in Historic Downtown Fort Pierce on the waterfront of the Indian River. If FPUA personnel does enter the home or business, please adhere to the social distancing guidelines of 6 feet or more. Please enable JavaScript in your browser for a better user experience. If they cared about us, theyd get stuff done, the tenant said. Select Update Account Information and choose text notifications. Bill Payment Options - Fort Pierce Utilities Authority Skip to content Careers Doing Business w/FPUA Outage/Trouble: (772) 466-7703 Outage Map Pay My Bill Manage My Account Public Records Request Stop/Start/Transfer Service Residential Pay My Bill Manage My Account Stop/Start/Transfer Service Customer Care Customer Service FAQ's In the dropdown, you are able to select how invoice notifications are sent with email & text being an option. Beginning Wednesday, March 18 at 9:00 am, the Customer Service Lobby will be closed to the public. 3900 or visit us online The Customer may stop Budget Billing at any time; however, they may not re-enter the program for a period of 12 months. Department of Health guidelines which include the following: FPUA will continue to communicate with you regularly through this website. If you have an online account, log in, and click on My Profile. Automatic Bill Payment. The minimum payment arrangement amount must be $50 per month, and allows a maximum of 12 months to pay the entire past due balance. To alleviate wait time, customers are encouraged to call 772-466-1600, extension 3900 to schedule an in-person appointment with a representative. Stay safe! Maintain social distancing guidelines of 6 feet or more. To minimize wait time, customers can schedule an in-person appointment by calling 772-466-1600, ext. Contact Us Pay My Bill Apply For Service. Together, FPUA and the other community-owned utilities serve three million Floridians and are collectively the third largest source of power in the state. Customers making utility payments can do so at the Kiosk or the payment Drop Box located on the west side of the building at 206 South 6th Street. 65-1557; and 20 of Ch. The Kiosk is available 24 hours and accepts payments by cash, credit/debit cards, and checks. Powered by Invoice Cloud is a new easy way to pay your FPUA utility bill. Please limit one person per account. Additional information will be provided when an appointment is scheduled. However, the company would continue to operate from its current location on U.S. 1. Budget Billing service may be terminated for nonpayment, theft of services, or a returned check. Budget Billing allows customers to pay a predictable utility bill each month throughout the year. On April 21, 2020, the FPUA Board approved a $2 reduction in the Power Cost Adjustment (PCA) beginning in May and continuing until further notice. Registering for FPUAs Online Services gives you fast, easy access to manage and pay your accounts. This convenient option eliminates the necessity of coming to one of our locations to make payments. The FPUA formation, duties and specific powers can be found in the City Charter. The 24-hour Kiosk is available on the west side of the building at 206 S 6, Cash Plus, 2059 S U.S. 1 (K-Mart Plaza), 772-466-8669, Dixon Check Cashing, 2410 Avenue D, 772-461-1010, Down South Beverage & Check Cashing, 420 N U.S. 1, 772-466-8111, Fort Pierce Discount Pharmacy,1727 Okeechobee Road, 772-577-6469, Seacoast Bank (Fort Pierce Location-Current Bills Only), Drive-thru Hours: Mon-Wed 7:30-5, Thurs-Fri 7:30-6, Sat 9-12, PayNearMe Register for account set up at. Public Utilities; About Us. As a reminder, there are a variety of other options available to pay utility bills and request account services that do not require a visit to the Customer Service lobby including: For additional information please call FPUA Customer Service at 772-466-1600, ext. The drive-thru window will be open extended hours from 7:30 am-5:00 pm. Have your face painted by Masquerade Expressions. If the Customer elects to discontinue Budget Billing, or is terminated from the program for nonpayment, theft of service, or a returned check, any unpaid balance for utility services will be applied to the Customers account. Beginning July 13, 2020, customers with a past-due balance will receive an automated call, reminding them to set up a payment plan. Fees No Fee Enrollment None IN PERSON Post Date Payments accepted 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday - Friday. Fort Pierce Utilities Authority is an Electricity, Oil & Gas, and Energy, Utilities & Waste Treatment company located in Fort Pierce, Florida with $102.00 Million in revenue and 123 employees.
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