Francis is the cleric of Rome and the head of the Roman Catholic Church (2013). pp. As supimos que el 14 de agosto de 1884, un agricultor de 27 aos llamado Francesco Bergoglio entr en el ayuntamiento de Asti para declarar que su esposa, Mara Bugnano, haba dado a luz a un. [89][90] At the same time, Bergoglio ordered an investigation into the murders themselves, which had been widely blamed on the National Reorganization Process, the military junta that ruled Argentina at the time. Perhaps his data will be uncovered on the web later on. He has been an influential figure. On the day of his election, the Vatican clarified that his official papal name was "Francis", not "Francis I", i.e. Pope apologizes for 'catastrophic' school policy in Canada (, Pope Francis Visits Indigenous Residential School Survivors | Time, Ordinary for the Faithful of the Eastern Rites in Argentina, Philosophical and Theological Faculty of San Miguel, Milltown Institute of Theology and Philosophy, Sankt Georgen Graduate School of Philosophy and Theology, full diplomatic relations between the United States and Cuba, Facultades de Filosofa y Teologa de San Miguel, Pontifical Catholic University of Argentina, Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments, Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life, Theology of Pope Francis Vatican II revisited, Theology of Pope Francis Church leadership, Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, reform the U.S. Et bien sr les travaux d'autres membres de Geneanet : Chaque date emprunte est accompagne d'un The Pope's demand came as a response to Festing and Cardinal Raymond Leo Burke firing Baron Albrecht von Boeselager from his position in the Order of Malta. Jorge Mario Bergoglio'nun Alberto Horacio, Oscar Adrian, Marta Regina ve Maria Elena adnda drt kardei vardr. They were all born and raised in Buenos Aires. [298], On 11 January 2021, Francis allowed bishops to institute women to the ministries of acolyte and lector. [81] He participated as a cardinal elector in the 2005 papal conclave that elected Pope Benedict XVI. [444] As of May 2013, sales of papal souvenirs, a sign of popularity, were up. Sadly, very little data about them was accessible. Wake Up! [302], Francis was mandated by electing cardinals to sort out Vatican finances following scandals during the papacies of Pope Benedict and Pope John Paul II. les rfrences plus importantes donnent un lien The president took more than an hour before congratulating the new pope, and only did so in a passing reference within a routine speech. Puerta told him that the Justicialist party was not plotting to oust De la Ra, and promised to help the president promote the laws that may be required. Therefore, I have decided to institute the World Day of Grandparents and the Elderly which will be held annually on the fourth Sunday of July. Oscar Adrian Bergoglio passed away on BEF 2014. [331] In January 2018, Francis met with a group of Yazidi refugees in Europe and expressed his support for their right to freely profess their own faith without limitations. [229][230], The pope approved further equipollent canonizations on 3 April 2014 for the Jesuit Jos de Anchieta as well as the Ursuline nun Marie of the Incarnation and bishop Franois de Laval. Deceased persons are not concerned by this provision. In the National Catholic Reporter, John L. Allen Jr. reported that Bergoglio was a frontrunner in the 2005 conclave. We encourage you to research and examine these records to determine their accuracy. He defended Podest's wife from Vatican attacks on their marriage. beneath his face. Maybe someday it'll be Francis, but for now it's just Jorge," she told National Catholic Reporter shortly after the papal election. [448] He broke records after having gained over one million followers in under twelve hours of the account being up. [338] Some have explained the level of disagreement as due to his going beyond theoretical principles to pastoral discernment. [77] A simple lifestyle contributed to his reputation for humility. Oscar Adrian Bergoglio (1938 - 2014) How do we create a person's profile? Pope Francis has written a variety of books, encyclicals, and other writings. [5][37], In 1967 Bergoglio began his theological studies at Facultades de Filosofa y Teologa de San Miguel and on 13 December 1969 was ordained to the priesthood by Archbishop Ramn Jos Castellano. American and British media were also more likely during this trip to show Francis interacting with regular Cubans compared to the official Cuban media, which showed Francis interacting with elites most often. Remember to check the name spelling and include any additional information you have. As of 2022 his age will be 84 years old. [31], Bergoglio found his vocation to the priesthood while he was on his way to celebrate the Spring Day. [79] He was known to be devoted to St. Thrse of Lisieux, and he enclosed a small picture of her in the letters he wrote, calling her "a great missionary saint". [486][487], On 4 October 2022, the documentary The Letter: A Message for our Earth premiered on YouTube Originals, directed by Nicolas Brown and produced by Off The Fence in partnership with Laudato Si' Movement. Pope Francis had to cancel or cut short activities several times because of the pain he felt in his knee. [253], At the first consistory of his papacy, held on 22 February 2014, Francis created 19 new cardinals. [172] He also abolished the 25,000 annual bonus paid to the cardinals serving on the Board of Supervisors for the Vatican bank. Bergoglio told his authorized biographer, Sergio Rubin, that after the priests' imprisonment, he worked behind the scenes for their release; Bergoglio's intercession with dictator Jorge Rafael Videla on their behalf may have saved their lives. He urged peace during his time in the religiously diverse city, known as the "Jerusalem of Europe". We collect and match historical records that Ancestry users have contributed to their family trees to create each person's profile. Retrieved 16 August 2013. Bergoglio was never mentioned. document.getElementById("ak_js_1").setAttribute("value",(new Date()).getTime()). Many of the modern surnames in the dictionary can be traced back to Britain and Ireland, Operated by Ancestry Ireland Unlimited Company. Nonetheless, she suspected the survey might be influential. avec celles de certaines villes. The letter returned to the bishops the power to grant or suppress the Latin Mass in their particular dioceses, and requires newly ordained priests to first request permission before performing the old rite, among other changes. Pope Francis has appointed Irish-American Cardinal Kevin Farrell as the Vaticans next camerlengo the prelate in charge of the Vatican between the death or resignation of a pope and the election of a new one. [77] In 2005, Cardinal Bergoglio authorized the request for beatificationthe third step towards sainthoodfor six members of the Pallottine community murdered in the San Patricio Church massacre. Nothing is known about his affairs, marriages, and children. LE SITE EST ACTUELLEMENT EN RECONSTRUCTION. Francis is the 266th Pope of the Catholic Church the Bishop of Rome and the absolute Sovereign of the Vatican City State. Mara Elena Bergoglio, Marta Regina Bergoglio, Oscar Adrian Bergoglio, Alberto Bergoglio: Social Media. Sources visites : Archives de l'Etat de Genve Francis maintains the views of the church regarding the ordination of women as priests, but has initiated dialogue on the possibility of deaconesses and has made women full members of dicasteries in the Roman Curia. Of that total number at the time of their elevation, 13 were under the age of eighty and four were over the age of eighty. Updates and news about all categories will send to you. Brother of Pope Francis; Marta Regina Bergoglio Sivori; Alberto Horacio Bergoglio Sivori and Private. His Birthplace is Buenos Aires, the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, Argentina. When Francis was archbishop of Buenos Aires, he authored a text entitled "Dialogues Between John Paul II and Fidel Castro". [238][239][240] The pope canonized the two child visionaries Francisco and Jacinta Marto during his visit to Ftima in mid-2017 and canonized 35 additional saints on 15 October. He taught literature and psychology at the Colegio de la Inmaculada Concepcin, a high school in Santa Fe, from 1964 to 1965. Nobody should be thrown out or be made miserable because of it. [232][233] The pope canonized Joseph Vaz on his visit to Sri Lanka on 14 January 2015 and canonized a further four saints on the following 17 May; he canonized Junpero Serra on 23 September while visiting the United States and then canonized four saints on 18 October including the first married couple to be named as saints. Francis also known as Francis I was born on December 17 1936 in Buenos Aires Argentina. Pope Francis (Latin: Franciscus; Italian: Francesco; Spanish: Francisco; born Jorge Mario Bergoglio,[b] 17 December 1936) is the head of the Catholic Church, the bishop of Rome and sovereign of the Vatican City State. Francis is an outspoken critic of unbridled capitalism and free market economics, consumerism, and overdevelopment;[2] he advocates taking action on climate change,[3] a focus of his papacy with the promulgation of Laudato si'. [96] However, two days after the election of Francis, Jalics issued a statement confirming the kidnapping and attributing the cause to a former lay colleague who became a guerrilla, was captured, then named Yorio and Jalics when interrogated. Although views about Francis personally were favorable, many Catholics disagreed with at least some of his teachings. [264] Three of his appointees were only priests upon their nomination, therefore, two (Gambetti and Feroci) received their episcopal consecration, while one (Cantalamessa) was granted a papal dispensation from it. l'intrt GNRAL. [408] At the 2017 World Food Day ceremony, Francis reiterated that "we see the consequences [of climate change] every day" and that we "know how the problems are to be faced [t]hanks to scientific knowledge." Pope Francis was born Jorge Mario Bergoglio in Buenos Aires, Argentina on December 17, 1936. Father of Private; Private; Private and Private. Ein ZEIT-Gesprch mit Papst Franziskus", "Virgin painting ties Brazilians in knots", "The Pope's chalice: silver-made, austere and featuring Our Lady of Lujn", "Patriarch Sviatoslav: Newly Elected Pope Knows Ukrainian Catholic Church, its Liturgy and Spirituality", "To understand Pope Francis, look to the Jesuits", "Setting the Record Straight on Pope Francis: A Reply to Frank Brennan", "Francis Toughened by Argentine Politics Ready for Papal Test", "Pope's episcopal motto comes from homily by English doctor of church", "Jesuit Argentine Cardinal Bergoglio elected pope, takes name Francis". Some other Catholic churches, for example in Germany and Austria, published summaries of the responses to the survey, which showed a wide gap between church teaching and the behavior of ordinary Catholics. Pope Francis has selected Irish-American Cardinal Kevin Farrell as the Vaticans next camerlengo, the prelate accountable for the Vatican between the passing or renunciation of a pope and the appointment of another one. Francis himself later said that he wanted the office of almoner to receive the red hat going forward as it was an important arm of the Vatican. He was considered one of the palpable for succession. [380] In November, Francis named China's Uyghur minority among a list of the world's persecuted peoples. [24][25] In that capacity, he spent several years working in the food section of Hickethier-Bachmann Laboratory,[26] where he worked under Esther Ballestrino. [91] He feared for the priests' safety and had tried to change their work prior to their arrest; however, contrary to reports, he never tried to throw them out of the Jesuit order. Regina Maria Sivori: What Happened To Pope Francis Mother? [159][160][161] He explained that, as it was becoming clear during the conclave voting that he would be elected the new bishop of Rome, the Brazilian Cardinal Cludio Hummes had embraced him and whispered, "Don't forget the poor", which had made Bergoglio think of the saint. He named Bishop Marcello Semeraro as the gatherings secretary and the gatherings first gathering was set for October 13. There are therefore some cases in which remarried divorcees can (through their confessor and after an adequate spiritual discernment) be considered in God's grace and therefore deserving of receiving the sacraments. - Liens directs vers les plus sollicites : Ain (AD01) ,Savoie (AD73) et Following the resignation of Pope Benedict XVI on 28 February 2013, a papal conclave elected Bergoglio as his successor on 13 March. Marta Regina Bergoglio: Facts About Pope Francis Sister. What we have to create is a civil union law. [77][88] He sometimes made appearances at the annual gathering known as the Rimini Meeting held during the late summer months in Italy. According to, This devotion has since spread to Brazil; it "attracts people with small problems. "I feel like the church opened its doors, and said to the world, 'Here I am. Pope has appointed eight cardinals to a new Council of Cardinal Advisers on April 13 2013 to advise him on revising the Roman Curias organizational structure. ", "Pope Francis insists same-sex marriage 'disfigures God's plan for creation', "Pope Has Kind Words for Backers of Anti-Equality Measures in Slovakia", "In value clash with West, Slovakia votes on gay rights curb", "Pope Endorses Referendum Denying Marriage And Adoption Rights To Same-Sex Couples", "Pope Francis said same-sex couples should be covered by a civil union law", "Pope says same-sex couples should be covered by civil union laws", "Pope Francis Backs Civil Unions for Gay Couples, in Shift for Vatican", "Plot thickens over origins of pope's civil union endorsement", "Mexico broadcaster: Pope's civil union quote not broadcast", "The Irish Times view on the pope and same-sex civil unions: a welcome shift in tone", "Pope Francis Calls for Civil Union Law for Same-Sex Couples, in Shift From Vatican Stance", "Vatican breaks silence, explains Pope Francis' civil union comments", "Support your children if they are gay, pope tells parents", "Pope Francis Endorses Use Of Force Against ISIS In Iraq", "Pope Francis calls for respect for the rights of the Yazidis", "Civil war in the Vatican as conservatives battle Francis for the soul of Catholicism", "Conservative criticism intensifies against Pope Francis", "How Pope Francis and his conservative critics may both be right", "Anti-reform cardinals 'want the Pope to quit', "Why Pope Francis scares some conservatives", "Why do some Catholics oppose Pope Francis? Pope Francis has said getting vaccinated against coronavirus is a "moral obligation" and denounced how naysayers had been swayed by "baseless information". He went on to place a statue in St. Peter's Square to bring attention to the Christian imperative involved in their situation (Hebrews 13:2). [393] En route to the United States for a visit in September 2015, the pope stopped in Cuba. [218], On 30 September 2020, he published the apostolic letter Scripturae sacrae affectus to celebrate the 16th centenary of the death of Jerome. He took public transportation and cooked his own meals. Many media reported him as being the first non-European pope, but he is actually the 11th; the previous was Gregory III from Syria, who died in 741. He led the Argentine Church during the December 2001 riots in Argentina. The journey to the papacy was a long one for the now 84-year-old. With one simple test, you can discover your genetic origins and find family you never knew you had. Pope Francis (@Pontifex) January 31, 2021. It's also clear that he still has a strong bond with his remaining sister. The mothers name is Not Available. [188] Francis approved the equipollent canonization of Angela of Foligno the following 9 October and then the Jesuit Peter Faber the following 17 December. [210] On 8 April 2016, Francis published his second apostolic exhortation, Amoris laetitia,[211] remarking on love within the family. He is also conversant in Latin (the official language of the Holy See),[138] French,[139] Portuguese,[140] and English,[141][142] and he understands the Piedmontese language and some Genoese. #ApostolicJourney, Pope Francis (@Pontifex) December 3 2021. Oscar Adrian Bergoglio was born on January 30, 1938. [150] The Habemus papam announcement was delivered by the cardinal protodeacon, Jean-Louis Tauran. In any case, we have no data about his type of revenue and his calling. "[279], Francis maintains getting COVID vaccination is a moral obligation. Remember to check the name spelling and include any additional information you have. [4], Jorge Mario Bergoglio was born on 17 December 1936[5] in Flores,[6] a neighborhood of Buenos Aires. He chose Francis as his papal name in honor of Saint Francis of Assisi. Perhaps his data will be uncovered on the web later on. He said, I think at my age and with these limitations, I have to save (my energy) to be able to serve the church, or on the contrary, think about the possibility of stepping aside. [357] Cardinal Carlo Caffarra, one of the authors of the dubia, maintains that after Amoris laetitia "only a blind man could deny there's great confusion, uncertainty and insecurity in the Church. [395] John Paul was the first pope to visit Cuba. [49][50], Bergoglio was asked in 1992 by Jesuit authorities not to reside in Jesuit houses, because of continued tensions with Jesuit leaders and scholars, a sense of Bergoglio's "dissent," views of his Catholic orthodoxy and his opposition to theology of liberation, and his work as auxiliary bishop of Buenos Aires. [68] It was celebrated weekly. [195], Linda Woodhead of Lancaster University wrote of the survey Francis initiated, "it's not a survey in any sense that a social scientist would recognize." [100] Bergoglio also told Rubin that he had often sheltered people from the dictatorship on church property, and once gave his own identity papers to a man who looked like him, so he could flee Argentina. [78] He limited his time in Rome to "lightning visits". [109] Historian Uki Goi pointed that, during early 1976, the military junta still had a good image among society, and that the scale of the political repression was not known until much later; Bergoglio would have had little reason to suspect that the detention of Yorio and Jalics could end up in their deaths. Oscar Adrian Bergoglio ,Alberto Bergoglio : View more View less. [299][300][301], In February 2021, Francis announced back-to-back appointments of women to take positions that were only held by men in the past. [407], On 24 May 2017, Francis met with U.S. President Donald Trump in Vatican City, where they discussed the contributions of Catholics to the United States and to the world. He said, Ill try to continue to do the trips and be close to people because I think its a way of servicing, being close. Pope has designated eight cardinals to another Council of Cardinal Advisers on April 13, 2013, to exhort him on reexamining the Roman Curias authoritative construction. [113] Argentina faced an economic depression at the time, and the Catholic Church criticized the fiscal austerity of the government, which increased poverty. [181] He said that "[w]e ask the risen Jesus, who turns death into life, to change hatred into love, vengeance into forgiveness, war into peace. Husband of Private. The uploader of the video has contacted the guy directly, and he has stated that he changed his name, which is why there is no record. He simplified the process for declaring matrimonial nullity. He was ordained a Catholic priest in 1969, and from 1973 to 1979 was the Jesuit provincial superior in Argentina. [345] In 2018, Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigan published an open letter denouncing Francis's handling of sexual abuse allegations against Theodore McCarrick, accusing him of knowing about allegations that McCarrick had committed sexual abuse and failing to take action. [183], In 2013, Francis initially reaffirmed the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith's program to reform the U.S. [86] According to Tornielli, Bergoglio made this request to prevent the conclave from delaying too much in the election of a pope. [431][432] In the news media, both faithful and non-believers often refer to a "honeymoon" phase in which the pope has changed the tone on Catholic doctrines and supposedly initiated ecclesiastical reform in the Vatican. Associated Press. She has four siblings. Mara Elena Bergoglio was born in the year 1948, in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Pope Francis said: "In this darkness of war, in the cruelty, we are all praying for you and with you this night. [405], On 16 April 2016, he visited, together with Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew and Archbishop Ieronimos II of Athens, the Moria Refugee Camp on the Greek island of Lesbos, to call the attention of the world to the refugee issue. We can only give you our company", our prayer, further stating "the biggest thing you can receive "Christ is risen," He said "Christ is risen" in Ukrainian. [153] During his first appearance as pontiff on the balcony of Saint Peter's Basilica, he wore a white cassock, not the red, ermine-trimmed mozzetta[153][154] used by previous popes. "[286] Francis also sent two high-ranking cardinals with aid to Ukraine at the beginning of March. He has faced criticism from theological conservatives on many questions, especially what some interpret as his suggestion in a footnote of Amoris Laetitia that divorced and remarried Catholics may be admitted to receive the Eucharist. [379] In September 2020, Pompeo urged Francis to stand against China's human rights violations. Most of the Argentine society cheered it, but the pro-government newspaper Pgina/12 published renewed allegations about the Dirty War, and the president of the National Library described a global conspiracy theory. Under his leadership, the number of priests assigned to work in the slums doubled. But she noted that he was close with all, even as he had other growing ambitions, per Catholic Philly. Prior to working as a chemical technician, Bergoglio had also worked as a bar bouncer and as a janitor sweeping floors. Oscar Adrian Bergoglio may have a large fortune that may exceed millions. This was a significant appointment, because of the sometimes tense relations between the Society of Jesus and the Holy See. [312], Cardinal Walter Kasper has called mercy "the key word of his pontificate. [189] Some analysts see the creation of a truly synodal church as likely to become the greatest contribution of Francis's papacy. Francisco; wac.Jorge Mario Bergoglio; ur. ", The Untold Truth Of Pope Francis' Siblings. Oscar Adrian Bergoglio Age. [217] As a follow-up to that summit, on 9 May 2019 Francis promulgated the motu proprio Vos estis lux mundi which specified responsibilities, including reporting directly to the Holy See on bishops and on one's superior, while simultaneously involving another bishop in the archdiocese of the accused bishop. Just a single individual from the Curia was among the gathering, which incorporated a few known pundits of Vatican activities. Also, we have no information about his son and daughter. Ernst von Freyberg was put in charge. I am not joking. "[282] Francis called Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelenskyy, stating his "sorrow" as the Vatican worked to find "room for negotiation. [180], On 31 March 2013, Francis used his first Easter homily to make a plea for peace throughout the world, specifically mentioning the Middle East, Africa, and North and South Korea. I was in the APDH during all the dictatorship years and I received hundreds of testimonies. [5] He was the eldest[7] of five children of Mario Jos Bergoglio (19081959) and Regina Mara Svori (19111981). The Pope Has Joined Instagram", "Pope Francis gains 1 million Instagram followers in under 12 hours", "Pope highlights pros and cons of internet and social media use Vatican News", "Opinion | Pope Francis: A Crisis Reveals What Is in Our Hearts", "Pope Francis swipes at groups protesting COVID-19 restrictions in NYT op-ed", "Analysis: What's behind rumors that Pope Francis will resign? Francis stated that people had a responsibility to look after themselves, "and this translates into respect for the health of those around us. [483] It premiered at the 2018 Cannes Film Festival and was released in the United States on 18 May 2018. Historically, surnames evolved as a way to sort people into groups - by occupation, place of origin, clan affiliation, patronage, parentage, adoption, and even physical characteristics (like red hair). Francis continued his previous practice of elevating cardinals from the peripheries with an emphasis again on Asia and Africa, such as Patrick D'Rozario from Bangladesh and Dieudonn Nzapalainga from the Central African Republic, while also naming the first three American cardinals of his papacy and only one Curial appointment. They are in relation from previous few years of a strong relationship. "We were five siblings, and I have 16 nieces and nephews," he said. "[368], In July 2021, Francis issued, motu proprio, the apostolic letter titled Traditionis custodes, which reversed the decision of his immediate predecessor Benedict XVI in Summorum Pontificum and imposed new restrictions on the use of the Traditional Latin Mass. There is a re-emergence of the nonchalance towards the delicate balances of ecosystems, the presumption of being able to manipulate and control the planet's limited resources, and greed for profit. "[332], Since 2016, criticism against Francis by theological conservatives has intensified. In any case, we have no data about his type of revenue and his calling. The most general criticism is that the restrictions are unnecessary, needlessly harsh, and implemented in an unjustifiably swift fashion. Music Album with His Words and Prayers", "Battle of the Pope Francis Biopics Begins With Two Films Shooting in Buenos Aires", "Film Review: 'Pope Francis: A Man of His Word', "The Spiritual Nearness of Wim Wenders's "Pope Francis: Man of His Word", "Francis becomes 1st pope to endorse same-sex civil unions", "Pope Francis YouTube Doc 'The Letter: A Message For Our Earth' Launches From Vatican City Trailer", Vatican Web site: Official biography of Jorge Mario Bergoglio, Ordinary of Argentina of the Eastern Rite, Cardinal-Priest of San Roberto Bellarmino, President of the Episcopal Conference of Argentina, Study Commission on the Women's Diaconate, Master of Pontifical Liturgical Celebrations, Pope Francis: Conversations with Jorge Bergoglio: His Life in His Own Words, Territorial Abbey and Sanctuary of Santa Maria di Polsi, Cerreto Sannita-Telese-Sant'Agata dei Goti, Sant'Angelo dei Lombardi-Conza-Nusco-Bisaccia, Territorial Abbey of La Trinit Cava De'Tirreni, Territorial Abbey of Monte Oliveto Maggiore, Territorial Abbacy of Santa Maria of Grottaferrata, Ukrainian Catholic Apostolic Exarchate of Italy, Spiritual Exercises of Ignatius of Loyola, International Association of Jesuit Universities, Santa Maria della Piet in Camposanto dei Teutonici, Santi Martino e Sebastiano degli Svizzeri, Permanent Observer to the Council of Europe, Palace of the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples, Palace of the Congregation for the Oriental Churches, Pontificio Collegio Urbano de Propaganda Fide, Conference of the Latin Bishops of the Arab Regions, Dechristianization of France during the French Revolution, Dogma of the Immaculate Conception of the Virgin Mary, Prayer of Consecration to the Sacred Heart, Persecutions of the Catholic Church and Pius XII, Pope Pius XII 1942 consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, Dogma of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary, International Alliance of Catholic Knights,, 20th-century Roman Catholic archbishops in Argentina, 21st-century Roman Catholic archbishops in Argentina, Roman Catholic archbishops of Buenos Aires, CS1 European Portuguese-language sources (pt-pt), Articles with dead external links from July 2021, Articles with Italian-language sources (it), Short description is different from Wikidata, Wikipedia indefinitely semi-protected biographies of living people, Pages using ordination template and denomination parameter, Articles containing Italian-language text, Articles containing Spanish-language text, Articles containing potentially dated statements from April 2014, All articles containing potentially dated statements, Pages using S-rel template with ca parameter, Pages using Sister project links with wikidata namespace mismatch, Pages using Sister project links with hidden wikidata, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0. , on 11 January 2021, Francis created 19 new cardinals Francis by theological conservatives has intensified took transportation! 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